I have started using quite a few of the tools we have been playing with, entertaining friends and family with my JibJab disco dance featuring Bill Gates and Martha Stewart, making magazine covers with various photos and enjoying a daily dose of Cute Overload.
And thank god for SurveyMonkey. At the eleventh hour I had to re-work an online staff holiday guessing game because the form I created in Dreamweaver didn't work. Something about scripts, and variables, I don't really know. Our web librarian said I could redo it in SurveyMonkey and I actually kind of knew how to do it! She has the fancy $$ subscription, so I was able to add images and stuff. It is not perfect, but I was able to do it in about an hour and that is all that matters.
The Week 6 assignment was my favorite. Not necessarily because of flickr, but because of the other entertaining things I can do with photos on the web. There is a whole world of distraction out there. I also valued reading fellow players' blogs and seeing what they were up to. I found out about dogster (see Taffy the wonderdoodle's page) and Church Sign Generator (thanks, Emily!).
I will definitely continue with Semester 2. I have never tried IM'ing and the productivity week looks appealing. Ta-da lists? I love lists!
So until next semester,
Play More. Learn More. Fear Less. And JibJab like your life depends on it.