After experimenting a little, meebo is definitely the way to go. I am tired of downloading yet more software and meebo lets anyone IM me - whether on Yahoo, or MSN or wherever, which is cool. And would come in very handy when working reference. I like that you can change the font, the colors, and of course, the emoticons. There is even an adorable panda! I will continue practicing and maybe when we get to the myspace/facebook lesson, I will learn how to add IM to a myspace page and my 17-yr-old niece will finally add me to her 'friends' - I am currently too lame.
So for now, play more, learn more, fear less and meebo me, pinkyonem, ok?
Hi Pinky,
I checked out your meebome widget and it looks to be working just right. I know that the widget doesn't work on LINK pcs and so it looks like it never connects. But, it really is connecting if you are logged into meebo so if someone is on a non-LINK pc, your blog meebome widget will show you are online and ready to chat. Does that make sense?
Cool Jaime! Thank you for checking it out for me. I tried it at home and it looks just right. Silly LINK pcs.
Hi Pinky,
I just checked out your entry and Meebo widget - good going! I just finished the assignment and added the meebo widget to my blog, too. It's just not intuitive to me, so I take longer to figure it out. Sigh. Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading yur posts again this semester! Jill Elzinga
Thanks, Jill. Welcome back to you, too. I have to confess that there are a couple of us here working on our assigments within shouting distance, so we can practice regularly. I left an IM on your blog; what's your meebo address? I will add you to my buddy list.
Hi Pinky - I left an IM message - just in case - I think my meebo name is jille. Try adding that. I have to admit I'm a little confused which is the buddy address - the jille (and use a small j, I think, not a Cap J) or the jillsjems which appears on the IM box on my blog. I'm a tad slow on the uptake here...:) In any case, I added you to my buddy list as Pinkyonem, as per your blog. (Guess I answered my own question as your IM box has your blog name on top, but you used your sign in name...) Sheesh, enough blatthering already!
It is so hard to keep track of all the details, isn't it? I did get your im. We are so cool!
Hey Pinky --
A Duran Duran skin? AWESOME!! Have to check that one out ASAP....
Your MeeboMe widget is working for me, too. I left ya a message.
We think that they will work on LINK machines in Firefox, but not IE, and only if you have Flash 7.0 or higher. Don't know if that helps, but I thought I'd pass it along anyway!
Thanks, Stef. Mozilla does the trick.
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