In order to achieve a greater sense of community, I would like to tell a little tale. This is a story of people coming together. Not at the library, not while reading books, not even where people gather to spend money (like Starbucks, or Target). In this story, people are gathered around their TV, sharing in a cultural phenomena, in the privacy of their own homes, not unlike our online community here, where we are gathered around our computers, participating in Project Play via cyberspace. I am talking about Pushing Daisies, the fall season's hottest new prime time show.
In a nutshell, Ned, the adorable main character of the show, has the power to bring dead people back to life by touching them. Once the dead person comes back to life, they have one minute to remain alive before someone else in close proximity will die. If Ned touches the "alive again" person at any time after they have been brought back to life, they re-die. You can see the double-edged sword here! Someone is going to die either way. And if the "alive again" people want to remain alive, they need to stay as far away from Ned as possible. But the show is sweet and mysterious and Ned is using his powers for good (as far as episode one, anyway). And he bakes pies. I will definitely keep watching.
Has anyone else seen this fantastic new show? Will anyone watch it this week because I referred to it as "the fall season's hottest new show"? This may be an editorial statement, but in general, the reviews have been glowing. Click here for a quick survey.
And finally, can anyone totally relate to Ned's ability to bring life back from the dead, only to lose it all with a simple touch? Am I the only one that sees a parable for our modern society and technology here? How many times have I searched for the perfect resource online and in one click, lost it forever? Or worse yet, spend time working on a document to have the computer freeze or the web go down and lose whatever I was working on, at least up to the point that I had last saved it? One touch, and all is lost...
So on that note, I will end my entry.
Play more. Learn more. Fear less. Watch Pushing Daisies on ABC/Wednesdays/7 Central. And please comment.
I was going over week 3 core collection of bloglines and looked up the lifehacker. There I found how you could get TV programs on your computer. So I check out the pushing daisies. Oh my god its great it will be a show that I will put on my must watch list. What a great NEW show. I hope it stays fresh!!!
Hey SLA! Just think, through the miracle of Project Play and bloglines, something wonderful happened! I can't wait to see the next Pushing Daisies, too. I hope it gets a fair shake; so many great shows get the plug pulled way too early. Please take my survey if you have the chance, I would love to hear about what other new shows you might be watching and think are good. I will compile the results and post them here sometime in the future.
Pinky; I'm glad to hear you thought this was a great show. I read about it and had a Really hard time imagining how it would work (as they of course mentioned a luv connection between main characters). I'll try to find it online (that's how I watch GA) and catch the first episode and get back to you.
Leereer: I watched PD online, too. ABC is genius to offer their shows online - I wish other networks would follow suit. It is very convenient, especially for those of us without TiVo. I am loving GA, too, esp. the new, undamaged Meredith, aka Lexie. And all of the mcfancy hair on the male doctors.
I also loved Pushing Daisies, I've heard some people refer to the first episode as the Pie-lette ...ah ha ha ha. There's rumors that the episodes to come don't have as big a budget, but hopefully that won't affect the quality of the show.
sounds like a great show that maybe i'll pick up when reruns start.
have you seen the new show Chuck?
Hey Kasey! I haven't seen Chuck, yet, but it does look really good. And Emily, I love the funny pie phrases. Pie-lette. What could be cuter?
Your project play alphabet theme rocks!
I have yet to view Pushing Daisies but after your glowing review I will certainly check it out, especially if it will inspire me to get to work on my autumn pie baking (mmmm cinnamon and apples...) I have not added any new programs this fall but I am back to smiling with the return of GA featuring one of my favs Sandra Oh.
Pinky! I love the sloganizer--I put in "storytime" and it came up with "storytime helped me stop smoking." yay.
Brilliant! And inspirational. I just typed in "I love tacos" and got "I love tacos, innovate your world." Amen.
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