1. Did you watch the season premiere of Pushing Daisies and if so, what did you think?
All but one participant in the survey watched Pushing Daisies and everyone who watched loved it. One participant compared it to the movie Waitress, another described it as a cross between a Tim Burton movie and Wonderfalls. One participant watched it twice!
2. Are there any other new shows you are watching? If yes, what new shows are you watching?
People are watching (in alpha order) Chuck, Gossip Girl, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Journeyman, Mad Men, Moonlight, Private Practice and Tell Me You Love Me. What this data tells me is that not only do library folks watch television, they also pony up for the fancy premium cable. Aside: Janice Min, the editor of US Weekly chose to include Mad Men in her editorial this week! If you missed this new series, an encore of season one begins Thursday, November 1 at 9:00 on AMC.
3. If you do not watch television, why not?
The majority of respondents really enjoy television, but reading and busy schedules get in the way of watching more. There was even a shout out to MTV.
4. Do you have any "one touch and it was gone" technology disaster stories that you would like to share? If so, please tell us!
Two lucky people did not have any harrowing tales to tell. Another had the "laptop won't talk to the projector" problem. Don't I know it! The majority of frightening happenings include losing data while working on the web: while creating web pages, losing brilliant blog posts and comments, having online software go buggy and not read necessary files or losing photo changes. The photo changes were particularly tragic as they were for a Lost Kitty poster. Thank goodness the kitty was later found. Whew! One participant is still suffering post traumatic stress over a techno incident gone wrong. Sorry about that! Didn't mean to dredge up any painful memories.
Thanks again for your feedback! Play more. Learn more. Fear less. Shell out the big bucks for expanded basic cable. It's worth it.
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